Training And Mentorship Report
On Integrating Gbv Interventions CSBAG


Training And Mentorship Report On Integrating Gbv Interventions CSBAG

  • 24th Mar 2020

Report Brief With support from UNDP under the Spotlight initiative, CSBAG, Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, Ministry of Local Government and Ministry of Public Service embarked on the process of training and mentoring Local Government (LG) staff on mainstreaming Gender Based Violence (GBV) interventions in Local Government plans and budgets between October-December 2020. Overall, 149 District Local Government officials were trained from districts (Arua, Kitgum, Kasese, Kyegegwa, Amudat and Tororo) of whom 93 officials (62%) were male while 56 officials (38%) were female. The mentorship program had one strategic high-level outcome namely enhancing capacity to identify and design GBV interventions to inform Local Government plans and budgets. CSBAG identified 58 specific GBV interventions incorporated in the Local Government budget framework papers FY 2021/22 and 9 in the district development plans (DDPs) from 5 of the targeted 6 Local Governments. Furthermore, at least six of the targeted (75%) heads, of departments including Community based services, Education, Health, commercial services, Natural resources, and water and environment), have directly prioritized and incorporated gender-based violence (GBV) in the FY 2021/22 budget framework. According to the findings, Tororo captured the highest level of GBV interventions followed by Kasese. Majority are in the Community Based Serviced Department.

CSBAG tracked the funding allocations to the GBV priority interventions that were validated in the draft BFPs in the six LG’s. If approved in the current state in all the 6 LGs GBV interventions have a proposed allocation of UGX 0.36890 billion. This is would be an achievement as pas experiences has it that GBV financing is not easily traceable in Government budgets and plans. It should however be noted that not all identified interventions have been costed.

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